faq.eurofiling.info has been created as a common repository for Frequently Asked Questions related with the XBRL standard in Europe, supported by the Eurofiling initiative.
The authoritative sources are the XBRL International Standards and Best Practices, complemented with the Agreements promulgated by the European Committee for Standardization.
The Official Channels to communicate typos/doubts/errors on XBRL to European Authorities are:
- EBA: eba-xbrl@eba.europa.eu
- EIOPA: xbrl@eiopa.europa.eu
In addition to the official XBRL documentation of EBA and EIOPA websites, it is recommended consult to:
- XBRL Specifications
- XBRL Best Practices
- EBA Filing Rules
- CEN Workshop on XBRL Agreements (CWAs)
- Eurofiling general information
And also consult national documents, as:
- Règles de remise XBRL, Banque de France
- Normas para presentación y transmisión XBRL, Banco de España
- Bundesbank Filing Rules, Deutsche Bundesbank
So, in practical terms, a single point for quick answers is always welcomed. This is the objective of this FAQ site, to be populated with examples from EBA, EIOPA and the Eurofiling network.
Our contact point is info@eurofiling.info